



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 16.
People with High Empathy Show Increased Cortical Activity around the Left Medial Parieto-Occipital Sulcus after Watching Social Interaction of On-Screen Characters
  Hamada, Masayoshi (2022-07-25)
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Intraoperative hand strength as an indicator of consciousness during awake craniotomy: a prospective, observational study
  Umaba, Chinatsu (2022-07-25)
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Factors associated with anxiety and depression in rheumatoid arthritis patients: a cross-sectional study
  Uda, Miyabi (2022-09-26)
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Relative hypercoagulation induced by suppressed fibrinolysis after tisagenlecleucel infusion in malignant lymphoma
  Yamasaki(Morita), Makiko (2022-11-24)
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Novel gait training using a dual-belt treadmill in older adults: A randomized controlled trial
  Wakida, Masanori (2022-03-23)
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Coordination between heart rate variability and physical activity may be diminished by fatigability in non-older women in the hour before sleep
  Taniguchi, Kentaro (2022-03-23)
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Influencing kinetic energy using ankle-foot orthoses to help improve walking after stroke: a pilot study
  Kimura, Nodoka (2022-05-23)
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Relationship between individual forces of each quadriceps head during low-load knee extension and cartilage thickness and knee pain in women with knee osteoarthritis
  Yagi, Masahide (2022-05-23)
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Changes in Kihon Checklist items and new Certification of long-term care needs among Japanese community-dwelling elders
  Ishikawa, Nobuhito (2022-05-23)
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Multi-institutional dose-segmented dosiomic analysis for predicting radiation pneumonitis after lung stereotactic body radiation therapy
  Adachi, Takanori (2022-03-23)
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