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タイトル: α1遮断薬投与中の前立腺肥大症患者に対するデュタステリド追加投与の効果 : 特に過活動膀胱の改善について
その他のタイトル: Add-on Effect of Dutasteride in Patients With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treated With Alpha Blocker : Its Effect on Overactive Bladder
著者: 和田, 直樹  KAKEN_name
橋爪, 和純  KAKEN_name
玉木, 岳  KAKEN_name
北, 雅史  KAKEN_name
岩田, 達也  KAKEN_name
松本, 成史  KAKEN_name
柿崎, 秀宏  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Wada, Naoki
Hashidume, Kazumi
Tamaki, Gaku
Kita, Masafumi
Iwata, Tatsuya
Matsumoto, Seiji
Kakizaki, Hidehiro
キーワード: Dutasteride
Overactive bladder
発行日: Sep-2012
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 58
号: 9
開始ページ: 475
終了ページ: 480
抄録: We investigated the add-on effect of dutasteride (0.5 mg once a day) on lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), prostate volume (PV), and serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) and testosterone level in 72 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) who had been treated with alpha-blocker monotherapy. Inclusion criteria were men with BPH who had PV ≧30 ml and international prostate symptom score (IPSS) ≧8 or quality of life (QOL) index ≧3 under alpha-blocker monotherapy for more than 3 months. At the baseline, 12 and 24 weeks after dutasteride add-on, we assessed IPSS, overactive bladder symptom score (OABSS), PV, serum PSA and testosterone. Among 47 patients (65%) with OAB diagnosed by OABSS, responders were defined as those with urgency score of OABSS <2 or total score of OABSS <3. At the 24th week, dutasteride significantly improved IPSS (−4.2) and OABSS (−1.9) and reduced PV (−29%) compared with the baseline. Furthermore, dutasteride significantly decreased serum PSA (−45%) and increased testosterone (36%). Among OAB patients, dutasteride significantly improved urgency and urgency incontinence but not nocturia. Responders had lower OABSS, urgency incontinence score and serum testosterone at the baseline than non-responders. In conclusion, dutasteride add-on therapy is beneficial in patients with BPH who do not show enough improvement with alpha-blocker monotherapy.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2013-10-01に公開
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/160121
PubMed ID: 23070385
出現コレクション:Vol.58 No.9


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