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タイトル: Micromirror arrays to assess luminescent nano-objects.
著者: Kawakami, Yoichi  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3752-1507 (unconfirmed)
Kanai, Akinobu
Kaneta, Akio
Funato, Mitsuru  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5455-3757 (unconfirmed)
Kikuchi, Akihiko
Kishino, Katsumi
著者名の別形: 川上, 養一
キーワード: finite difference time-domain analysis
focused ion beam technology
gallium compounds
III-V semiconductors
indium compounds
ray tracing
scanning electron microscopy
wide band gap semiconductors
発行日: May-2011
出版者: American Institute of Physics
誌名: The Review of scientific instruments
巻: 82
号: 5
論文番号: 053905
抄録: We propose an array of submicrometer mirrors to assess luminescent nano-objects. Micromirror arrays (MMAs) are fabricated on Si (001) wafers via selectively doping Ga using the focused ion beam technique to form p-type etch stop regions, subsequent anisotropic chemical etching, and Al deposition. MMAs provide two benefits: reflection of luminescence from nano-objects within MMAs toward the Si (001) surface normal and nano-object labeling. The former increases the probability of optics collecting luminescence and is demonstrated by simulations based on the ray-tracing and finite-difference time-domain methods as well as by experiments. The latter enables different measurements to be repeatedly performed on a single nano-object located at a certain micromirror. For example, a single InGaN∕GaN nanocolumn is assessed by scanning electron microscopy and microphotoluminescence spectroscopy.
著作権等: © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/160133
DOI(出版社版): 10.1063/1.3589855
PubMed ID: 21639516


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