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タイトル: The Geographical Transformation of Arab Media: The Decline of Offshore Media and the Rise of the Media City
著者: Chiba, Yushi
著者名の別形: 千葉, 悠志
発行日: Sep-2012
出版者: 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科
誌名: アジア・アフリカ地域研究
巻: 12
号: 1
開始ページ: 79
終了ページ: 103
抄録: This article aims to clarify the geographical transformation of Arab media and understand contemporary Arab media dynamics with a focus on satellite channels. After the 1970s, many Arab media publishers, initially operating in Europe, became infl uential actors in the Arab media scene. Since then, Europe has been regarded as a harbor for the freedom of speech. These media with headquarters outside of the Arab world, mainly in Europe, are referred to as 'offshore media.' The offshore media phenomenon and its consequence, the geographical division of Arab media discourse between the Arab world and Europe, were regarded as an essential characteristic of Arab media. However, after the mid-1990s, the development and proliferation of satellite television prompted the return of Europe-based Arab media companies, particularly satellite channels, to Arab countries, and this geographical division was dissolved. Now, most of the pivotal Arab satellite channels broadcast not from Europe but from within the Arab world. Importantly, in accommodating these previously Europe-based media channels (and a number of newcomers), a phenomenon called the ‘media city’ has played an important role. Some consider these media cities as the new harbors for freedom of speech, an alternative to the role previously played by Europe. This article will trace the geographical transformation of Arab media historically, with particular focus on the decline of offshore media and the rise of the media cities. Furthermore, through the analysis of three media cities in Egypt, Jordan, and the UAE, this article will suggest that the media city can function not only as a substitute for Europe, but also as a key device for promoting and maintaining the diversity and multiplicity of contemporary Arab media.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/163169


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