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タイトル: Comprehensive Report 2008-2012
著者: Kyoto University Global COE Program Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities
著者名の別形: 京都大学グローバルCOEプログラムアジア・メガシティの人間安全保障工学拠点
発行日: 2013
出版者: Kyoto University Global COE Program Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities
目次: 1. Outline
1-1 Program Overview プログラム概要 [2]
1-2 Organization Structure 運営体制 [3]
1-3 Management of Overseas Bases 海外拠点運営 [6]
1-4 Research Field 研究領域 [22]
2. Research
2-1 Activities of Young GCOE Researchers 若手研究者活動紹介 [28]
2-2 Young Researcher Symposia 若手研究者シンポジウム [41]
2-3 Support for Activities of Young Researchers 若手研究者活動支援 [62]
2-4 Key Joint Research Projects 重点共同研究プロジェクト [63]
2-5 Symposia and Workshops シンポジウム・ワークショップ [118]
3. Education
3-1 Education System 教育体制 [186]
3-2 Origins and Career Paths of HSE Students HSE 履修者の出身地及び進路 [230]
3-3 Dispatch of Students to Abroad 学生の海外派遣 [232]
3-4 Dispatch of Young Researchers to Abroad 若手研究者の海外派遣 [233]
3-5 HSE Graduates HSE 修了生 [234]
3-6 Message from HSE Graduates HSE 修了生からのメッセージ [237]
3-7 Overseas Activities of Young GCOE Researchers (achievements) 若手研究者海外活動実績 [251]
3-8 Overseas Activities of Young GCOE Researchers (reports) 若手研究者海外活動報告 [257]
4. International Activities
4-1 Dispatch of Faculty Members to Abroad 教職員の海外派遣 [296]
4-2 Education and Research Activities at Overseas Bases 海外拠点での教育・研究活動 [297]
4-3 Natural Disasters in Asian regions アジア地域の自然災害 [311]
4-4 Foreign Researchers' Visits 招聘外国人研究者 [328]
4-5 Dissemination 情報発信 [334]
4-6 Achievement 業績 [345]
著作権等: 本文は2013-04-01に公開されます
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/172549
関連リンク: http://hse.gcoe.kyoto-u.ac.jp/


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