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タイトル: Failure Case Study of Tieback Wall in Urban Area, Korea
著者: Jeong, Sang-Seom
Kim, Young-Ho
Kim, Myoung-Mo
発行日: 2011
誌名: Proceeding of TC302 Symposium Osaka 2011 : International Symposium on Backwards Problem in Geotechnical Engineering and Monitoring of Geo-Construction
開始ページ: 19
終了ページ: 24
論文番号: 共同研究(一般共同研究)23G-04
抄録: In this study, a numerical analysis was performed to reproduce the sequential behavior of an anchored retaining structure in an urban area. The numerical analysis was verified through comparisons between the prediction and a field failure case. The emphasis was placed on the wall behavior and the location of the sliding surface based on the elasto-plastic method and the shear strength reduction FEM method. Through the comparison study, it is found that coupled analysis using the shear strength reduction method can be effectively used to perform the back calculation analysis to find a critical surface in the anchored wall structures, whereas uncoupled analysis by the elasto-plastic method can be applicable to the preliminary design of a retaining wall with a suitable safety factor.
記述: International Symposium on Backwards Problem in Geotechnical Engineering and Monitoring of Geo-Construction, Green Hall, Kensetsu-Koryu-kan, 2011/07/14-15
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/173849
出現コレクション:International Symposium on Backwards Problem in Geotechnical Engineering and Monitoring of Geo-Construction


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