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タイトル: Il Progetto di Conoscenza per il Restauro del Castello di Anghiari (Arezzo). Un esempio di archeologia dell'architettura
その他のタイトル: アンギアーリ城の修復のための事前情報調査について : 建築考古学の一事例
著者: Niglio, Olimpia
著者名の別形: ニリオ, オリンピア
発行日: 18-May-2013
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 18
抄録: The Pretorio Building, in Anghiari town center, today shows a complex history of transformations and restaurations. Most of them were due to important seismic events that, since the XIII century, have been widely documented. Starting from the XX century, the main interventions followed the damage caused by earthquakes that occured from the 1917 to the 2001. Today, the Building is the subject of a restoration project and seismic improvement specified by the recent regulations for the evaluation and reduction of the seismic risk of the cultural patrimony.
記述: 「文化遺産と考古学:保存と技術革新」 於 イタリア文化会館 東京 2013年5月16日
Beni Culturali e Archeologia : Conservazione e Innovazione Tecnologica Giovedi' 16 maggio 2013, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/174030


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