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タイトル: 辛棄疾「菩薩蠻」(鬱孤臺下)補考
その他のタイトル: A Note on the Poem "Shu Chiang-hsi Tsao-k'ou Pi" Written by Hsin Ch'i-chi to the Melody P'u-sa-man
著者: 小川, 環樹  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Ogawa, Tamaki
発行日: Apr-1961
出版者: 京都大學文學部中國語學中國文學硏究室
誌名: 中國文學報
巻: 14
開始ページ: 58
終了ページ: 66
抄録: The most detailed and reliable study of the tz'u style poetry of Hsin Ch'i-chi (1140-1207) is the Chronological Study of Chia-hsilan's Tz'u 稼軒詞編年箋注 by Teng Kuang-ming 鄧廣銘, Shanghai, 1957. The author disagrees with Professor Teng's interpretation of the poem mentioned in the title of this article, particularly the first part of the poem. The author believes that the poet, when he composed this poem, had in mind the fact that Empress Dowager Meng 孟, the consort of Emperor Che-tsung 哲宗, was pursued by the Khitan armies in 1129 in the region of Tsao-k'ou in Kiangsi and only barely escaped with her life, basing his assumption upon the account of this incident contained in the Hao-lin yü-lu 鶴林玉露 (preface dated 1248). Professor Teng rejects this account, however, because no mention is made of the incident in the dynastic histories. The author, for further support of his contention, cites a record of the incident found in ch. 35 of the San-eh'ao pei-meng huipien 三朝北盟會編 compiled by Hsü Meng-hsin 徐夢莘.
著作権等: 未許諾のため本文はありません
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/177093


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