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タイトル: 庾信の碑傳文
その他のタイトル: The Grave Memoirs by Yu Xin
著者: 原田, 直枝  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Harada, Naoe
発行日: Oct-1996
出版者: 京都大學文學部中國語學中國文學硏究室內中國文學會
誌名: 中國文學報
巻: 53
開始ページ: 52
終了ページ: 89
抄録: When we read a literary work which has described a figure of some person, we can find out two sorts of expressions of "individuallity" (個). One sort is a description of an individuallity of the objective character, and another one is a reflection of the individuallity of the writer himself. In this study, especially by means of examining the works of the Grave Memoir style--here, this term contains all styles that pay a tribute to the memory of a person, such as the Epitaph (碑), the Dirge (誄), the Lament (哀), the Grave Memoir (墓誌) and so on--by Yu Xin 庾信, trying to investigate the construction of the expression of those two "individuallity". Yu Xin, one of the most distinctive writer in the Northern Zhou dynasty (北周), has producted more than thirty pieces of works of the Grave Memoir style. It is a rare case in this genre that such a good number of the works which have been producted by a specific writer remains now. So they are worthy of examining as an important clue to clear up various characters of the history of the parallel-style porse (Pianwen 駢文). Of course, the Grave Memoirs by Yu, as most of pieces by the other writers in the Six dynasties (六朝), mostly are parallel-style. Although most of those pieces have been made in response to consignations from persons of ranks, which may be the ideal evidences to prove that Yu has been regarded as a fine writer in the Northern Zhou, we can distinguish a few pieces from the others, and can find out very interesting tendency on this point. The few, such as the Grave Memoir of Wu Mingche 呉明徹 and Liu Xia 柳遐, are which have described the persons who had some backgrounds in common with Yu. The difference between them and the other pieces for the person in direct descent from the Northern dynasties (北朝) is especially remarkable in the formation of the parallel phrase. Both in the part which tell about the career of the objective person, and in the most eulogistic part, Yu has often formed a single phrase before or after parallel phrases, and such formation has effectively brought about a broke meter. Certainly, Yu Xin's works of this genre are caharacterized by the combination of parallel phrase and nonparallel phrase. Moreover it may be said that it had been the turning point which distinguish Yu's works from the other's in the Six dynasties.
DOI: 10.14989/177616
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/177616


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