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タイトル: 高麗朝における杜詩受容 : 李奎報を中心として
その他のタイトル: Influence of Du's poetry around the Korea Dynasty poetical circles, with focus on Li kuibao
著者: 鄭, 墡謨  KAKEN_name
発行日: Apr-2005
出版者: 京都大學文學部中國語學中國文學硏究室內中國文學會
誌名: 中國文學報
巻: 69
開始ページ: 154
終了ページ: 178
抄録: In this study, the author tried to clarify when Du Fu 杜甫's poetry began to be accepted in the Korea 高麗 Dynasty poetical circles and how it influenced them. Especially, the focus is placed on Li Kuibao 李奎報 (1168~1241) a typical poet in the middle term of korea Dynasty (1170~1259). It is not clear about when Du Fu's anthology was transmitted. About mid-12century, Du Fu's name was seen for the first time. Lin Chun 林椿 (1148~1186) who was active before Li Kuibao, evaluates Du Fu's poetry as a typical example of poetry. However, most of Lin Chun's comments on Du Fu and his works were based on story of poetry 詩話 and individual collections of works in North Song 北宋 Dynasty. From this, we can see that Korea Dynasty received Du Fu's poetry influence of its evaluation in North song poetical circles. In Li Kuibao, it is possible to see concrete aspects that he read Du Fu's anthology directly unlike poets before him. He studied Du Fu's expression technique, mimicked Du Fu's verse intentionally at times, and applied them to actual poem writing. Moreover, in the poems composed off hand he often used Du Fu's verses. In addition, he imitated Du Fu's 16 poems with a related in the grass temple 草堂 of Du Fu, using 次韻 technique. These works of Li Kuibao that clearly show the influence of Du Fu's poetry were written when he was about 30 years old. It is understood that Du Fu's poetry was already the target of study among some poets in Korea at the end of 12th century. However, though Du Fu was evaluated as the highest poet, it is difficult to say that his poetry had deeply infiltrated the Korea poetical circles bacause Li Kuibao had added some notes in the parts where he used Du Fu's poetry. Moreover, while 次韻 after the poetry of So Dongpo 蘇東坡 was frequently done in groups, no other poets tried 次韻 to Du Fu's portry. This shows that Du Fu's poetry was far less popular than that of So Dongpo's.
DOI: 10.14989/177953
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/177953


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