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タイトル: 「三國志演義」の成立と展開について : 嘉靖本と葉逢春本を手がかりに
その他のタイトル: A Study on the Production of "Sanguozh Yanyi"--From the Comparison between Jiaqing edition and Ye Fengchun editiron
著者: 小松, 謙  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Komatsu, Ken
発行日: Oct-2007
出版者: 京都大學文學部中國語學中國文學硏究室內中國文學會
誌名: 中國文學報
巻: 74
開始ページ: 29
終了ページ: 65
抄録: Sanguozhi Yanyi 三國志演義, has two kinds of texts that belongs in two different group. When we compare Ye Fengchun edition 葉逢春本 and Jiaqing edition 嘉靖本, that represent each group, sentences of Jiaqing edition are legible, while in sentences of Ye Fengchun edition there are a lot of defects. Therefore, it seems that Ye Fengchun edition is the one near the old text, and Jiqing edition is the one that the correction was added to an old text. The level of the difference admitted between sentences of Ye Fengchun edition and Jiaqing edition is greatly different according to the part. There are a lot of differences in the latter half while the difference is few in the first half, and the difference grows in the side plots while the difference of the part where Liu Bei 劉備 is taken an active parts is few. This might show the process of production of "Sanguo Yanyi". The part where the difference is few might be the parts producted early, and the parts where a lot of differences exist be the parts inserted back. There is no part where sentences are corresponding at all though it is presumed that "Sanguozhi Pinghua 三國志平話" is a prototype of "Sanguozhi Yanyi". This is because the text that was lost now existed between "Sanguiozhi Pinghua" and "Sanguozhi Yanyi". And, the parts where the difference between Ye-Fengchun edition and Jiaqing edition is few is the parts where most exists also in "Sanguozhi Pinghua". Perhaps, a prototype of "Sanguozhi Yanyi" text is made based on "Sanguozhi Pinghua", and then, by adding the episode, and improving sentences legibly, "Sanguozhi Yanyi" was producted. Ye Fengchun edition might be in the state of the stage where the shape of "Sanguozhi Yanyi" was settled, and Jiqing edition be in the state of the stage where sentences were improved.
DOI: 10.14989/178000
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/178000


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