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タイトル: 淸代通俗文藝におけるジャンルの影響力 : 敵役竇爾墩の事例から
その他のタイトル: Infiuence Power of Literary Genre in Popular Literature in Qing Era : the Case of Villain's part Dou Erdun
著者: 稻澤, 夕子  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Inazawa, Yuko
発行日: Apr-2008
出版者: 京都大學文學部中國語學中國文學硏究室內中國文學會
誌名: 中國文學報
巻: 75
開始ページ: 134
終了ページ: 162
抄録: The stories about the bandits of "Jianghu 江湖" with the upright officers and the emperor, such as Sanxiawuyi 三俠五義 and ShiGongan 施公案 and Yongqingshengping 永慶昇平, became popular in the region which it centered on Beijing since Qing latter term. People were accepting these stories as popular literature like the storytelling, the opera, and the colloquial novel, etc. In the precedence researches about popular literally, it has explained the difference between storytelling, the novel, and the opera through researching the same theme from the intention and the creation attitude of the author of each text. Of course, the problem of author is worth discussing. However, in the popular literary, there are a lot of similar stories and the authors are very difficult to be confirmed. There is a limit in reading the author's individuality and intention from the text in such popular art and literature. It is thought that it influences the composition, development, and the characters image, etc. from features are respectively in each genre like public entertainments, the opera, and the novel written in a colloquial style, etc. in the presentation form and the mode of expression. The villain's part Dou Erdun 竇爾墩 appears in Peng Gongan and Shi Gongan. The main character of these stories are the upright officers Peng Peng 彭鵬 and Shi Shilun 施世綸 who existed in Kangxi 康煕 period. The theme of story is both of these upright officers and the Hero of "Jianghu 江湖" maintain social justice. The texts of Dou Erdun are collected in the Chewangfuquben 車王府曲本 that is the manuscript collection of the ballad.; Guci 鼓詞 and operas about Dou Erdun are included in Chewangfuquben. Guci is a kind of storytelling that alternately repeats the prose and verse with accompaniment. In the opera, both of Dou Erdun and the hero are described as Lulinhaohan 綠林好漢, and they valued the morality of "Jianghu". Between the hero and the villain, there is no fundamental difference. In contrast, in Guci, the line between Good and Evil is remarkable clear. Dou Erdun is described as Evil. However, if anther villain appears, the description of Dou Erdun changes from the villain into "Yingxiong". In other words, Guci is composed by the frame of confrontation of good and evil. It is possible to say from this case that the genre of literary was closely related to the composition of not only villain's character but also the structure of story.
著作権等: 未許諾のため本文はありません
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/178009


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