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タイトル: 詩に語られた「現代史」 : 兪德鄰「京口遣懐 張彥明 劉伯宣郞中并びに諸友に呈す一百韻」に見る歴史敍述
その他のタイトル: Contemporary History Narrated in Poetry : A Historical Statement of Yu De-lin's "A Diversion at Jing kou : A 100 Rhyme Poem Dedicated to Officer Liu Bo-xuan, Zhang Zhao and Other Friends"
著者: 稻垣, 裕史  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Inekaki, Hiroshi
発行日: Apr-2009
出版者: 京都大學文學部中國語學中國文學硏究室內中國文學會
誌名: 中國文學報
巻: 77
開始ページ: 54
終了ページ: 78
抄録: This poem is a full-length, five-syllable, old style poem 五言古詩 written by Yu De-lin 兪德鄰, known as a Yimin 遺民 (an anchoret having sympathy towards the overthrown dynasty) of the Song 宋 dynasty. Recipients of the piece are officers of the Yuan 元 dynasty who had served from early years. This work describes the history of the end of the Song in chronological form, which is equivalent to contemporary history at that time. In literary works up to the pre-Song era, it is difficult to find an example of contemporary historical accounts in poetry. The purpose of this paper is to affirm that the description of this poem is not an auto-biological reminiscence, but a historical statement modeled on traditional historical writing, and to make clear why this kind of work was exchanged between those holding different political status. Firstly, we will examine the biographies of both author and recipients. They were close friends despite political differences. We will also ascertain some problems in this chapter, such as the author's academic background and associates. Secondly, the core of this poem is based on a certain historical perspective which was shared among intellectuals of Jiangnan 江南 at that time, wherein historical sources are not primarily literary documents but rather individual experience and memory. The author consciously emulates historian's writing style, for which the statement consists of two elements as historiography: predication and criticism. This critical attitude appears in the usage of names of people, as well. To fit into poetic style, on the other hand, the author devised some means whereby not to write those names directly, as was the case with general history books. Literarily, description in this poem borrows Du Fu 杜甫's poetic line frequently, which had enormous readers and were reevaluated as songs of loyalists at that time. In my opinion, there was a necessity to borrow Du's poetry Du shi 杜詩, known as the great loyalist poet, in order to assert the author's political validity. Finally, there were two motives behind the author's composition of this poem: the one is an intellectual appetite to comprehend the time in which own lives, while the other is a practical use to evoke a still raw sensibility through contemporary history and to reject serving the Yuan dynasty directly. Historical statement is a re-creation that reconstituted historical sources through a certain perspective. Speaking about historical statements of poetry, we should keep in mind Du Fu's works known as Shi shi 詩史. Du shi actually describes historical events around An Shi rebellion 安史之亂, however, that is not a consistent historical statement such as Yu's work. It is only the readers' sensory illusion which treats these as sources of social history of the Tang 唐 dynasty. Those who make Du shi to be a Shi shi are precisely the readers themselves.
DOI: 10.14989/178028
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/178028


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