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タイトル: Transcription factors in alkaloid biosynthesis.
著者: Yamada, Yasuyuki
Sato, Fumihiko  KAKEN_id
著者名の別形: 佐藤, 文彦
キーワード: Alkaloid biosynthesis
Transcription factor
Jasmonate signaling
Transcriptional regulation
Secondary metabolism
発行日: 2013
出版者: Elsevier Inc.
誌名: International review of cell and molecular biology
巻: 305
開始ページ: 339
終了ページ: 382
抄録: Higher plants produce a large variety of low-molecular weight secondary compounds. Among them, nitrogen-containing alkaloids are the most biologically active and are often used pharmaceutically. Whereas alkaloid chemistry has been intensively investigated, alkaloid biosynthesis, including the relevant biosynthetic enzymes, genes and their regulation, and especially transcription factors, is largely unknown, as only a limited number of plant species produce certain types of alkaloids and they are difficult to study. Recently, however, several groups have succeeded in isolating the transcription factors that are involved in the biosynthesis of several types of alkaloids, including bHLH, ERF, and WRKY. Most of them show Jasmonate (JA) responsiveness, which suggests that the JA signaling cascade plays an important role in alkaloid biosynthesis. Here, we summarize the types and functions of transcription factors that have been isolated in alkaloid biosynthesis, and characterize their similarities and differences compared to those in other secondary metabolite pathways, such as phenylpropanoid and terpenoid biosyntheses. The evolution of this biosynthetic pathway and regulatory network, as well as the application of these transcription factors to metabolic engineering, is discussed.
著作権等: © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/178034
DOI(出版社版): 10.1016/B978-0-12-407695-2.00008-1
PubMed ID: 23890386


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