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タイトル: 程敏政の祖先史再編と明代の黄墩(篁墩)移住傳説
その他のタイトル: The Restructuring of Cheng Minzheng's Genealogy and the Legend of the Huangdum Migration in the Ming-era
著者: 山根, 直生  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: YAMANE, Naoki
発行日: Mar-2010
出版者: 東洋史研究会
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 68
号: 4
開始ページ: 601
終了ページ: 631
抄録: I previously considered both the changes in the discourse and the historical reality of the sources about the legend of the Huangdun 黃墩 migration through Song, Yuan and Ming times. These studies became clear the following two points; first was the aspect of Huangdun that was established as the ancient common homeland of the two Chengs and Zhu Xi, which was based on the contemporary background. That is to say, Zhu Xi's thought became official doctrine of the state and a site was formed, where people could consult and critically evaluate the genealogies of other clans and patronymic lineages 他宗他姓. Second was a portrait of various clan groupings that overlooked the deliberate falsification of the genealogical histories of other clan and patronymic lineages in order to recount themselves as fictive ancestral villagers shared with Zhu Xi and the two Chengs, Cheng Yi and Chang Hao. This study continues along these my concern and considers further changes in the Huangdun legend during Ming times by taking up Cheng Minzheng 程敏政 who propagated an alternative "Huangdun theory" 篁墩説. Cheng Minzheng claimed, "The original character used for the huang in Huangdun was not 黃 but 篁, the name was changed in late-Tang times in order to avoid the massacre of Huan Chao 黃巢, and remained unchanged thereafter." The above discourse at first glance seems to have merely been intended as resistance to the Huang lineage. However, in this article I focus on Cheng Minzheng, who was known as a forerunner in the creation of the genealogical system known as the Lian zong tong pu 聯宗統譜, I elucidate aspects of the origin and surroundings of the acceptance of this theory. And by confirming the historical reality of his family history, which little attention has been given to, I make clear a new historical perspective. In short Cheng Minzheng and the Cheng family of Pei Guocheng 陪郭 were indeed forced to immigrate to Hejian 河閒 in the early Ming while claiming to be from Xiuning 休寧. And they were a lineage group that was exactly immigrating back to their ancestral land, as a turning point that the two generations of scholars had passed the government exams, i.e. Chengxin 程信 and Minzheng. It can be said that the project of organizing the clan lineage system that was later known as Lianzong tongpu was necessary for this one family to return to its origins. The Huangdun theory 篁墩説 was aimed instead at the members of the same clan 同宗者 in Huizhou, and it was expounded with the approval of Minzheng's friends in the government. And the very important point was significance that get the same clan to recognize their own superiority at the time of the re-organization of clan's unity. After Cheng Minzheng, the rendering of Huangdun with the character 篁 with its meaning of bamboo gradually was accepted by other clans and patronymic lineages. Because of it gave places mysterious air which was the ancient land of Zhu Xi and of Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao. We can also say that this was a split in representation of Huangdun, with Huangdun, written 黃墩, indicating the indigenous valuation and Huangdun, written 篁墩 seen as the sacred Confucian homeland. Those who were to accepted the latter seems to far removed from Huizhou and recounted it as their homeland.
DOI: 10.14989/178112
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/178112


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