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Results 1-10 of 48 (Search time: 0.058 seconds).
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Living Mindfully Through Crisis: Searching for Life Advice in the “Philosophy-Medicine” of Buddhism
  Deroche, Marc-Henri (2021)
  Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture, 5(1): 50-69
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Future projection of radiocesium flux to the ocean from the largest river impacted by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
  Adhiraga Pratama, Mochamad; Yoneda, Minoru; Shimada, Yoko; Matsui, Yasuto; Yamashiki, Yosuke (2015-02-12)
  Scientific reports, 5
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The rDzogs chen Doctrine of the Three Gnoses (ye shes gsum): An Analysis of Klong chen pa's Exegesis and His Sources.
  Deroche, Marc-Henri; Yasuda, Akinori (2015-10)
  Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, 33: 187-230
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Combining methodologies on the impact of inter and intra-annual variation of wave energy on selection of suitable location and technology
  Kamranzad, Bahareh; Lin, Pengzhi; Iglesias, Gregorio (2021-07)
  Renewable Energy, 172: 697-713
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Application of airborne photogrammetry for the visualisation and assessment of contamination migration arising from a Fukushima waste storage facility
  Connor, D.T.; Martin, P.G.; Smith, N.T.; Payne, L.; Hutton, C.; Payton, O.D.; Yamashiki, Y.; Scott, T.B. (2018-03)
  Environmental Pollution, 234: 610-619
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Spatiotemporal distribution and fluctuation of radiocesium in Tokyo Bay in the five years following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident
  Yamazaki, Hideo; Ishida, Masanobu; Hinokio, Ryoichi; Yamashiki, Yosuke Alexandre; Azuma, Ryokei (2018-03-01)
  PLOS ONE, 13(3)
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Community Structure and Its Stability on a Face-to-Face Interaction Network in Kyoto City
  Ohki, Yu; Tanaka, Hitomi; Ikeda, Yuichi (2023-03)
  Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(3)
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Network Analysis of the Gender Gap in International Remittances by Migrants
  Marquardt, Zelda; Ikeda, Yuichi (2022-10)
  The Review of Socionetwork Strategies, 16(2): 337-376
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Cryptoasset networks: Flows and regular players in Bitcoin and XRP
  Aoyama, Hideaki; Fujiwara, Yoshi; Hidaka, Yoshimasa; Ikeda, Yuichi (2022-08)
  PLOS ONE, 17(8)
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Regional medical inter-institutional cooperation in medical provider network constructed using patient claims data from Japan
  Ohki, Yu; Ikeda, Yuichi; Kunisawa, Susumu; Imanaka, Yuichi (2022-08)
  PLOS ONE, 17(8)
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