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Title: 身体政治"之下的女性农民工
Other Titles: Female Migrant Workers and Body Politics
Authors: 王, 华  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: WANG, Hua
Keywords: 女性农民工
the Female Migrant Workers
Body Politics
Household Registration System
Issue Date: 16-Jan-2012
Publisher: 京都大学大学院経済学研究科「京都エラスムス計画」事務局
Journal title: 京都エラスムス計画2011年度 中国社会研究短期集中プログラム成果報告 : 京都大学・南京大学若手研究者共用フォーラム報告論文集
Start page: 52
End page: 59
Abstract: 农民工"作为弱势群体长久以来吸引着各界的讨论, 而更为弱势的女性农民工却很少被给予特殊的关注。本文试图通过对南京安德门农民工就业市场的田野调查, 来展现女性农民工在城市中的生活状态。本文认为, 一些制度性因素实际上无视女性农民工的公民权利, 致使她们劳务市场这一制度性空间里遭受各种歧视与攻击。但女性农民工也通过各种方式来进行周旋与反抗。她们所反抗的是政府治理术里不公平的部分和男权主义宰制下的身体政治。
This paper examines the problem of female migrant workers through a perspective of body politics. Drawing on fieldwork I have carried out in Nanjing, this paper attempts to unfold the situation of female workers as rural migrants to live in the urban Nanjing. Due to the existence of the household registration system, the rights of their citizenship are deprived and thus are just as body to suffer from sexual harassment and assault in the labor market, which is considered to be a space highly institutionalized. These female migrant workers, however, in the meantime are able to manage and even control men who are close them to resist the male dominating body politics, which was, to an extent, produced by the system of household registration.
Description: 目次タイトル「"身体政治"之下的女性农民工」
Appears in Collections:2011年度

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