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タイトル: A clue to the Neocomian vertebrate fauna : initial results from the Kuwajima "Kaseki-kabe" (Tetori Group) in Shiramine, Ishikawa, central Japan
著者: Matsuoka, Hiroshige  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0009-0005-4549-2226 (unconfirmed)
Kusuhashi, Nao
Takada, Takahiro
Setoguchi, Takeshi
著者名の別形: マツオカ, ヒロシゲ
クスハシ, ナオ
タカダ, タカヒロ
セトグチ, タケシ
発行日: 31-May-2002
出版者: 京都大学理学部
誌名: Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Series of geology and mineralogy
巻: 59
号: 1
開始ページ: 33
終了ページ: 45
抄録: More than 30 vertebrate species have been collected from the Kuwajima "Kaseki-kabe" (fossilbluff), an outcrop of the Lower Cretaceous Kuwajima Formation (Tetori Group), in Shiramine Village, Ishikawa Prefecture. This means the site is one of the most fertile Early Cretaceous fossil localities in the world. The diversity includes four fishes, one frog, tritylodontids, three turtles, probably three pterosaurs, seven dinosaurs, seven lizards, one choristodere, one bird and two mammals. In this paper, the vertebrate assemblage of the "Kaseki-kabe" is documented to reaffirm its significance.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/186683
出現コレクション:Vol. 59 No. 1


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