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タイトル: Selecting Help Messages by Using Robust Grammar Verification for Handling Out-of-Grammar Utterances in Spoken Dialogue Systems
著者: Komatani, Kazunori
Fukubayashi, Yuichiro
Ikeda, Satoshi
Ogata, Tetsuya
Okuno, Hiroshi G.
著者名の別形: 奥乃, 博
キーワード: spoken dialogue system
help generation
out-of-grammar utterances
novice user
utterance history
発行日: 1-Dec-2010
出版者: The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers(IEICE)
誌名: IEICE Transactions Information and Systems
巻: E93-D
号: 12
開始ページ: 3359
終了ページ: 3367
抄録: We address the issue of out-of-grammar (OOG) utterances in spoken dialogue systems by generating help messages. Help message generation for OOG utterances is a challenge because language understanding based on automatic speech recognition (ASR) of OOG utterances is usually erroneous; important words are often misrecognized or missing from such utterances. Our grammar verification method uses a weighted finite-state transducer, to accurately identify the grammar rule that the user intended to use for the utterance, even if important words are missing from the ASR results. We then use a ranking algorithm, RankBoost, to rank help message candidates in order of likely usefulness. Its features include the grammar verification results and the utterance history representing the user's experience.
著作権等: © 2010 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/187386
DOI(出版社版): 10.1587/transinf.E93.D.3359


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