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タイトル: Instrument Identification in Polyphonic Music: Feature Weighting to Minimize Influence of Sound Overlaps
著者: Kitahara, Tetsuro
Goto, Masataka
Komatani, Kazunori
Ogata, Tetsuya
Okuno, Hiroshi G.
著者名の別形: 奥乃, 博
発行日: 8-Nov-2006
出版者: SpringerOpen
誌名: EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
巻: 2007
論文番号: 051979
抄録: We provide a new solution to the problem of feature variations caused by the overlapping of sounds in instrument identification in polyphonic music. When multiple instruments simultaneously play, partials (harmonic components) of their sounds overlap and interfere, which makes the acoustic features different from those of monophonic sounds. To cope with this, we weight features based on how much they are affected by overlapping. First, we quantitatively evaluate the influence of overlapping on each feature as the ratio of the within-class variance to the between-class variance in the distribution of training data obtained from polyphonic sounds. Then, we generate feature axes using a weighted mixture that minimizes the influence via linear discriminant analysis. In addition, we improve instrument identification using musical context. Experimental results showed that the recognition rates using both feature weighting and musical context were 84.1% for duo, 77.6% for trio, and 72.3% for quartet; those without using either were 53.4, 49.6, and 46.5% , respectively.
著作権等: © 2007 Kitahara et al.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/187390
DOI(出版社版): 10.1155/2007/51979


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