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タイトル: 唐代漠南における突厥可汗國の復興と展開
その他のタイトル: The revival and development of the Türk Qaγanate in the Gobi Desert during the Tang Dynasty
著者: 鈴木, 宏節  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: SUZUKI, Kosetsu
キーワード: 突厥

発行日: Jun-2011
出版者: 東洋史研究会
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 70
号: 1
開始ページ: 35
終了ページ: 66
抄録: While employing the results of previous research, this article relies on the results from archaeological sites in the Yinshan Mountains range to make a geographical determination of Qara qum (Ch. Heisha 黒沙), one of the strongholds of the Second Turk Qaɣanate. As a result, I was able to conclude that Qara qum, the cradle of the Second Qaɣanate, was located within a 50 kilometer radius of the town of Bailingliao 百靈廟 in the upper basin of the Aybugha-in-gol (the Aybugha River) 艾不蓋河 that flows through Darhan Muminggan United Banner 達爾罕茂明安聯合旗 in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Next, on the basis of this conclusion and a re-reading of mid-8th century Old Turkic Inscriptions (the Inscription of Tonuquq), I was able to confirm on the basis of the account therein the fact that Qapɣan Qaɣan (Ch. Mochuo 默啜), whose stronghold was in the Taihang Mountains east of Qara qum, invaded Hebei province 河北道 of the Tang dynasty in 698 (The 1st year of Shengli 聖暦). And then, I elucidated the fact that Turk Qaɣanate in the Gobi desert ruled the mixed nomadic and agricultural area of the northern borders of the Tang Empire and had moved to the stage of its implementation. Based on a critical reading of these sources, it can be said that a state was formed in Northern Asia, centered on the Yinshan Mountains range, and it was created by horse-riding nomads equipped with powerful military force who subjugated the Khitan (or Kidan) and Xi peoples of the Liao river basin to the east, and swallowed up the various Oɣuz Tribes to the north on the Mongol steppe north of the Gobi Desert from the close of the 7th century to the beginnings of the 8th. It is thought, moreover, that the military activity and rule of the mixed nomadic and agricultural area of the Turks of the time was first made possible by securing the Mongol steppe north of the Gobi Desert in addition to securing the stronghold of Qara qum in the Yinshan Mountains. The historical significance of the revival of the Turks of this mixed area lies in the fact that they expanded their power beyond the Gobi Desert into the steppes of Central Eurasia and were further able to expand their territory in Eastern and Northern Asia. Then, if one considers Chinese and East Asian history thereafter, one realizes that the revival and development of the Turk Qaɣanate was without doubt directly connected to the rebellion of An Lushan that destroyed the Tang system of defense on its northern borders.
DOI: 10.14989/188955
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/188955


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