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Cover and Contents etc
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(2)
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Technocracy and Thaksinocracy in Thailand: Reforms of the Public Sector and the Budget System under the Thaksin Government
  Suehiro, Akira (2014-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(2): 299-344
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Philippine Technocracy and the Politics of Economic Decision-Making: A Comparison of the Martial Law and Post-Martial Law Periods
  Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion (2014-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(2): 345-381
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Indonesian Technocracy in Transition: A Preliminary Analysis
  Shiraishi, Takashi (2014-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(2): 255-281
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Technocracy in Economic Policy-Making in Malaysia
  Khalid, Khadijah Md; Abidin, Mahani Zainal (2014-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(2): 383-413
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Technocracy and Politics in a Trajectory of Conflict
  Teik, Khoo Boo (2014-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(2): 415-438
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A Short Account of the Rise and Fall of the Thai Technocracy
  Phongpaichit, Pasuk; Baker, Chris (2014-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(2): 283-298
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<Book Reviews>Nissim Otmazgin and Eyal Ben-Ari. Popular Culture Co-productions and Collaborations in East and Southeast Asia. Singapore and Kyoto: NUS Press in association with Kyoto University Press, 2013, x+276p.
  Lee, Nikki J. Y. (2014-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(2): 439-441
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<Book Reviews>Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy, ed. An Atlas of Trafficking in Southeast Asia: The Illegal Trade in Arms, Drugs, People, Counterfeit Goods and Natural Resources in Mainland Southeast Asia. London: I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2013, x+214p.
  Molland, Sverre (2014-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(2): 444-447
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<Book Reviews>Jafar Suryomenggolo. Organising under the Revolution: Unions and the State in Java, 1945-48. Singapore and Kyoto: NUS Press in association with Kyoto University Press, 2013, xiii+215p.
  Vann, Michael G. (2014-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(2): 441-444
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