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タイトル: Adaptive splitbelt treadmill walking of a biped robot using nonlinear oscillators with phase resetting
著者: Fujiki, Soichiro
Aoi, Shinya  KAKEN_id
Yamashita, Tsuyoshi
Funato, Tetsuro
Tomita, Nozomi
Senda, Kei  kyouindb  KAKEN_id
Tsuchiya, Kazuo
著者名の別形: 青井, 伸也
キーワード: Biped robot
Splitbelt treadmill walking
Central pattern generator
Phase resetting
Interlimb coordination
発行日: Jul-2013
出版者: Springer US
誌名: Autonomous Robots
巻: 35
号: 1
開始ページ: 15
終了ページ: 26
抄録: To investigate the adaptability of a biped robot controlled by nonlinear oscillators with phase resetting based on central pattern generators, we examined the walking behavior of a biped robot on a splitbelt treadmill that has two parallel belts controlled independently. In an experiment, we demonstrated the dynamic interactions among the robot mechanical system, the oscillator control system, and the environment. The robot produced stable walking on the splitbelt treadmill at various belt speeds without changing the control strategy and parameters, despite a large discrepancy between the belt speeds. This is due to modulation of the locomotor rhythm and its phase through the phase resetting mechanism, which induces the relative phase between leg movements to shift from antiphase, and causes the duty factors to be autonomously modulated depending on the speed discrepancy between the belts. Such shifts of the relative phase and modulations of the duty factors are observed during human splitbelt treadmill walking. Clarifying the mechanisms producing such adaptive splitbelt treadmill walking will lead to a better understanding of the phase resetting mechanism in the generation of adaptive locomotion in biological systems and consequently to a guiding principle for designing control systems for legged robots.
著作権等: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10514-013-9331-6
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/189763
DOI(出版社版): 10.1007/s10514-013-9331-6


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