
学術雑誌掲載論文等   53

文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 41 - 53 / 53
  喜多, 一 (2015-01-23)
  情報処理学会論文誌 教育とコンピュータ (TCE), 1(1): 4-9
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Move analysis of research articles across five engineering fields: What they share and what they do not
  Maswana, Sayako; Kanamaru, Toshiyuki; Tajino, Akira (2015-01-16)
  Ampersand, 2: 1-11
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  津田, 侑; 上原, 哲太郎; 森村, 吉貴; 森, 幹彦; 喜多, 一 (2015)
  システム制御情報学会論文誌, 28(10): 407-418
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Rank of Divisors on Hyperelliptic Curves and Graphs Under Specialization
  Kawaguchi, Shu; Yamaki, Kazuhiko (2015)
  International Mathematics Research Notices, 2015(12): 4121-4176
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Deconstructing Attitudes towards Plagiarism of Japanese Undergraduates in EFL Academic Writing Classes
  Teeter, Jennifer (2014-12-17)
  English Language Teaching, 8(1): 95-109
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Fusion visualization for fluid dynamics in blood vessel
  Miyachi, Hideo; Ishida, Tomoyuki; Sakamoto, Naohisa; Koyamada, Koji (2014-10-16)
  Artificial Life and Robotics, 19(3): 286-290
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Fused Visualization for Large-Scale Time-Varying Volume Data with Adaptive Particle-Based Rendering
  Zhao, Kun; Sakamoto, Naohisa; Koyamada, Koji (2014-10)
  Communications in Computer and Information Science, 474: 228-242
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Decentralized oceans: Sail-solar shipping for sustainable development in SIDS
  Teeter, Jennifer Louise; Cleary, Steven A. (2014-08-22)
  Natural Resources Forum, 38(3): 182-192
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High-quality particle-based volume rendering for large-scale unstructured volume datasets
  Sakamoto, Naohisa; Maeda, Naoya; Kawamura, Takuma; Koyamada, Koji (2013-05)
  Journal of Visualization, 16(2): 153-162
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パラグアイ -- 言語政策の移植は可能か
  塚原, 信行 (2012-03-25)
  多言語主義再考 -- 多言語状況の比較研究 (2012): 142-166
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  カルマ・ジュニェン, M; 塚原, 信行 (2011-10-25)
  ことばと社会, 13: 190-198
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言語能力概念と多文化共生 --「福井市営住宅入居事務取扱要綱」をめぐる問題を手がかりに--
  塚原, 信行 (2011-03)
  社会言語学 別冊, 1: 215-221
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母語維持をめぐる認識と実践 : ラテン系移民コミュニティと日本社会
  塚原, 信行 (2010-12-25)
  ことばと社会, 12: 48-77
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文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 41 - 53 / 53