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タイトル: 腎癌部分切除後に腎周囲脂肪織内晩期再発を認めた1例
その他のタイトル: A Case of Late Perirenal Fat Recurrence after Partial Nephrectomy for T1A Renal Cell Carcinoma
著者: 福井, 智洋  KAKEN_name
山﨑, 俊成  KAKEN_name
水野, 桂  KAKEN_name
根来, 宏光  KAKEN_name
小林, 恭  KAKEN_name
寺田, 直樹  KAKEN_name
杉野, 善雄  KAKEN_name
松井, 喜之  KAKEN_name
井上, 貴博  KAKEN_name
神波, 大己  KAKEN_name
吉村, 耕治  KAKEN_name
小川, 修  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Fukui, Tomohiro
Yamasaki, Toshinari
Mizuno, Kei
Negoro, Hiromitsu
Kobayashi, Takashi
Terada, Naoki
Sugino, Yoshio
Matsui, Yoshiyuki
Inoue, Takahiro
Kamba, Tomomi
Yoshimura, Koji
Ogawa, Osamu
キーワード: Renal cell carcinoma
Late recurrence
Local recurrence
Partial nephrectomy
発行日: Oct-2014
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 60
号: 10
開始ページ: 481
終了ページ: 483
抄録: An 84-year-old man had undergone laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for right renal cell carcinoma (RCC), cT1aN0M0 in 2003. The histopathological diagnosis was clear cell carcinoma, grade 1, v (−), surgical margin negative, pT1a. Nine years and 10 months postoperatively, computed tomography scans demonstrated tumors on right renal fossa. As we could not detect other metastatic lesions, we diagnosed him with local recurrence of RCC and planned the surgery with curative intent. He underwent laparoscopic resection of retroperitoneal tumors. The histopathological diagnosis was clear cell carcinoma, grade 2>3, v (−), surgical margin negative, and confirmed recurrence of RCC. In retrospective review of 176 cases of pT1a renal cell carcinoma with partial nephrectomy in our institute, 3 patients (1.7%) developed local recurrence and 2 patients (1.1%) developed late local recurrence.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2015/11/01に公開
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/191176
PubMed ID: 25391777
出現コレクション:Vol. 60 No. 10


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