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タイトル: 緑地レクリェーションの計画的研究 第3報 : 都市大緑地におけるレクリェーション実態の研究
その他のタイトル: Planning Studies on Recreations in Greens Report 3 : The Study on Recreations in Urban Greens
著者: 近藤, 公夫  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Kondo, Kimio
発行日: 15-Nov-1965
出版者: 京都大学農学部附属演習林
誌名: 京都大学農学部演習林報告
巻: 37
開始ページ: 198
終了ページ: 218
抄録: この研究は Nearby recreational space と云う性格を持つ都市大緑地について利用実態を考究し, 特にその利用者の居住地分布に注目して都市空間の地域構造性をも検討する。緑地の調査は京都御苑・新宿御苑・京都北野神社神苑などを対象とし, これに Hasenheide Volkspark (Berlin) の調査資料を併せて互に比較検討し, 下記の様な結論を得た。ただし調査の時期は '59年 (昭和34年) から '65年 (昭和40年) までである。利用者の属性を性・年齢構成として見ると, 平均20歳乃至30歳の年齢構成でその変異係数は都市周辺の休養型自然緑地と近似し, 男女別は互に略々等しいことが認められた。この属性構成を基準とする利用の研究は, 利用者数についてha当り年利用は3万至5万人であり, 利用目的では運動目的が平日で約30%, 休日で40%以上であり, 集団の形成では10人以下の小集団が休日で75%程度を占め, 休養時間では運動利用で60分平均, 静養利用で50分平均と云う結論を京都御苑で得た。利用者の地域的分布については京都御苑の様に京都市外からの利用が年1百万人をこえる場合でも, 無料緑地では周辺の1. 0km圏, 有料のものも同1. 5乃至2. 0km圏の利用が過半を占め, 局地的な生活施設の色彩が濃厚である。京都御苑に関する分析の結果, 都市地域構造と緑地利用の生活行為との関係は利用距離の増大による誘致率の段階的な低下によって次ぎの様に要約される。0. 1km圏は週平均の日誘致率が25%を上廻り, 緑地を常時利用し得る都市構造圏域と考える。0. 3km圏は同率が5%程度で幼児・幼年や主婦・老人が持つこの種の行動の限界に当る。少・青・壮年の場合を考えると, 0. 5km乃至0. 7kmが同率2%でこの種行動の限界と見られ, また他の緑地では有料や季節的集会と云う条件の下でやや広い同様の傾向を見せる。この様な圏域の認識は緑地計画の基準にも, 都市構造の研究にも注目されるものであろう。
Greens for human recreations are defined as excursion, nearby and immediate greens, which are indicated with ideas of natural greens, urban greens and playlots. The Study on Recreations in Urban Greens is intended to analyse not only visitor's action but the urban structural hierarchy with their green visiting tendency. "Preface" treats the number of visitor etc. and assumes that year's visitor per ha. in net recreational space is 30 to 50 thousands, and holiday's most crowded condition is 30 to 60 per ha. i.e. 10 to 30% of day visitor in its afternoon's 3 to 4 hours. "Visitor's age and sex" has assumed that their mean age is 25 to 30, and their sex distribution is fifty-fifty in some cases. "Visitor's purpose" is assumed with below chart on their active recreation's rate in Kyoto Gyo-en Green. Student Buisiness No Buisiness Child Weekday 0.2 0.1 0 0.8 Holiday 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.8 "Visitor's group" conclused that below 10 members groups occupy half visitor on weekday and three quarters on holiday. "Visitor's stay" is indicated that their mean is on weekday 50 min. sports, 30 min. rest, and on holiday 85 min. sports, 50 min. rest; here some observations are also done on individuale visitor's action in Shinjuku Gyoen. "Effectivities of urban greens" has following conclusions. 1) Even in these many tens ha. urban greens which have nationwide millions visitors, their effective radius is considered less 1 km according to their effective ratio function's tendency. 2) Children pay daily visit in 0.1km radius area, and their limit is 0.7km distance, besides common recreational area with 0.3 km radius. 3) No buisiness people such as wives or old people etc. have their limit at 0.3 km distance, which is same with children's common recreational visit's limit. 4) Students and buisiness people have same limit at 0.5km distance, and their effective ratio's decreasing tendency is less than children's over 0.3 km limit. 5) In this 5 years, Kyoto Gyo-en's visitor has increased above 20%, but children have decreasing tendency with urban traffic confusion's increasement in these years. 6) Recreational garden Shinjuku Gyo-en and Kitano Shrine's New Year Festival, show their recreational effective limit as almost 2 km distance. 7) Hasenheide Volksprk in Berlin shows different tendency with over 1 km radius for its effective limit. 8) With above knowledge, their urban hierarchy is conclused as follows; Children's hierachy i. e. space of 0.1 km radius resembles the community of neighbourliness. Schoolager's i. e. space of 0.3 km radius is considered at the community of daily shopping such as food etc. Adult's i. e. citizen general's space of about 0.7 km radius is same to that of weekly shopping such as cloth etc. and is regarded as a standard space of community.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/191397


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