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タイトル: 造園計画の哲学的側面
その他のタイトル: Philosophical Aspects of Landscape Architectural Planning
著者: 中村, 一  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Nakamura, Makoto
発行日: 15-Nov-1965
出版者: 京都大学農学部附属演習林
誌名: 京都大学農学部演習林報告
巻: 37
開始ページ: 190
終了ページ: 197
抄録: 造園計画の哲学的側面は2つの問題に関して顕著にあらわれる。第1に造園が他の物的諸計画 (建築, 土木など) と協同して有機的生活環境を作り上げるための統一的な理論はないだろうかという問題がある。そのような理論的体系のひとつとして哲学そのものがある。ただしその哲学は科学との明確な相違点を自覚しつつ, しかも科学の諸成果を価値領域にもちこんで, 人間の未来を実験的に築いていくための理論を提供するものでなければならない。第2に専門化した造園計画の特色はなにかという問題がある。その特色は造園が扱う自然的材料にみられるが, ここで自然という言葉の哲学的内容が問題化する。私は自然の本質的特性である安定性と不安定性に注目して, 不安定性要因をより多くもつものとして, 「みかけの自然」の概念を仮説的に使用することによって造園計画の特色をより深い意味でとらえようと試みた。
There seem to be two important philosophical aspects in landscape architectural planning. One is the problem of cooperation with the other arts of physical planning like architecture, civil engineering, and city planning. Are there any general theories through which those specialized planning arts can find a common way toward making an integrated organic environment? Philosophy, which is distinct from science, can become one of such the general theories of planning, if it bears the conclusions reached in science upon the value factors involved in human action. This is originally the way of thinking urged by John Dewey, and the writer thinks it is particularly important that this idea should be brought into the fields of physical planning in order to co-ordinate their isolated technological theories. The other aspect appears in regard to the characteristic of landscape architecture. This characteristic is most clearly seen in its use of natural materials. But the term Nature has very ambiguous meaning especially when used in an ontological context. The writer, therefore, hypothetically examines two intrinsic traits of Nature--stability and instability (or certainty and uncertainty), and submits a hypothetical conception, 'apparent nature', which has two provisions as follows; 1) Apparent nature has more instability-factors. 2) To have more instabiilty-factors does not mean less stablity-factors. The instability-factor, as well as the stability-factor, is considered to be neccessary for the development of intellectual environment. Therefore, the materials of landscape architecture in terms of apparent nature are instrumental in the planning of healthy environment for human survival. The term will also be useful for explainning the significance of conservation of natural environments.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/191398


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