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dc.contributor.author古野, 東洲ja
dc.contributor.alternativeFuruno, Tooshuen
dc.contributor.transcriptionフルノ, トウシュウja-Kana
dc.description.abstract森林の動物による被食量は, 森林の生産力調査の一環として重要と考えられながらも, 調査された報告はすくない。森林では, 食植動物の多くは林冠で生息し, とくに樹葉を食害する食葉性昆虫類が多く, 林木の生長に影響するものとして, その食害量―被食量を推定することは重要である。本報告は, 京都大学農学部附属演習林白浜試験地に成立している立木本数が異なるテーダマツ3林分 (1961年3月植栽, 1972年4月にはhaあたり疎林分2101本, 中林分3321本, 密林分5775本) の食葉性昆虫類による4年間の被食量を, その脱糞量を調査することにより推定したものである。さらに被食量推定の基礎資料として, 演習林研究室でスジコガネ成虫およびマツカレハ幼虫の個体飼育, 演習林本部苗畑で, マツカレハの脱糞量と切り落し量の調査をも行ない, それらの結果がまとめられている。1) スジコガネ成虫は, 白浜試験地では, 1969年および1971年に多数発生し, その時期は6月下旬 - 8月上旬である。スジコガネ成虫の生存 (飼育) 日数の最大のものは40日, その摂食量はテーダマツ針葉で1. 85gであった (表-3)。2) スジコガネ成虫の摂食量と脱糞量の関係は F=1. 143D F : 摂食量乾重 (mg) D : 脱糞量乾重 (mg) となり, 脱糞量の14. 3%増として摂食量が求められる (図-2)。3) スジコガネ成虫の摂食行動により切り落される針葉量は, 摂食量の約2. 3倍と推定された (図-3)。4) マツカレハの幼虫の摂食行動により切り落される針葉は, 摂食量の8 - 10%と推定され, 5mmまでの長さのものが大部分であったが, 針葉長の7 - 8割の長さで切られたものもみられた。5) テーダマツ林のマツカレハ (クロスズメを含む) の脱糞量は, 3林分とも, 1968 - 1970年は21 - 32kg/ha, 1971年は6 - 9kg/haであった。6) スジコガネ成虫の脱糞量は, 7月および8月採取分にみられ, その発生年にはマツカレハ幼虫の年間糞量とほぼ同量 (1969年), 約2倍 (1971年) に達した。7) マツカレハ, クロスズメ, スジコガネ以外の食葉性昆虫類の脱糞量は, 3林分とも大きな差はなく, 毎年5 - 10kg/haであった。8) 食葉性昆虫類の年間脱糞量は26 - 64kg/haであったが, そのうち夏期間 (6月21日 - 9月20日) の3ヵ月に年間50 - 90%をも占め, 冬期間 (12月21日 - 3月20日) には1 - 5%と非常にすくなかった。9) テーダマツ林の食葉性昆虫による被食量は, 年間, 54 - 204kg/haと推定され, 年により, 林分により差がみられるが, テーダマツ林分の葉量と比べてその2%にも満たず, このような食葉性昆虫類の食害は完全に無視できる。ja
dc.description.abstractThe investigation on the grazing of the animals in the forest was rarely reported in the past. In order to estimate the loss of forest canopies by the grazing of leaf-eating insects, it is necessary to investigate the food consumption of leaf-eating insects and their faeces. During four years from April 21, 1968 to April 20, 1972, faeces of leaf-eating insects were monthly investigated in three Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) stands (Table 1) planted in the Shirahama Experimental Station of Kyoto University Forest in March, 1961. Moreover, the individual breeding of the adult of the striated chafer (Anomala testaceipes) and the pine caterpillar (Dendrolimus spectabilis) was carried out in the laboratory of University Forest in Kyoto. Four traps of the surface of one square meter (1 m×1 m) were set up in each stand to collect the egested faecal pellets of leaf-eating insects. These traps were made of Tetoroncloth of fine mesh and were made in the shape of inverse funnel (photo. 4). The faeces were collected monthly for four years and they were selected, oven-dried and weighed in the laboratory. The grazing by leaf-eating insects in three Loblolly pine stands was estimated from these faeces egested in traps. The results obtained from the investigations were as follows: 1) The adult of the striated chafer emerged from June to August in Loblolly pine stands of Shirahama. Especially, they emerged mostly in 1969 and 1971. 2) The food consumption of the adults of the striated chafer was in proportion to these faeces, and the food consumption was 1.143 times of the faeces in the case of feeding of Loblolly pine needles (Fig. 2); F=1.143 D in which F=food consumption and D=faeces in dry weight. 3) The needles were cut down by the feeding behavior of the striated chafer and the pine caterpillar. In the case of the former, the amount of the needles was estimated to be about 2.3 times of the food consumption (Fig. 3). In the latter, the amount seemed to be about 10% of the feeding. 4) In three Loblolly pine stands, the faeces of the pine caterpillar (including the black hawk moth) weighed 21 ~ 32 kg/ha in 1968, 1969 and 1970, and 6 ~ 9 kg/ha in 1971 in dry weight. The dry weight of the faeces of the striated chafer was 0.5 ~ 1.0 kg/ha in 1968, 11.2 ~ 26.5 kg/ha in 1969, 0.9 ~ 3.0 kg/ha in 1970 and 11.0 ~ 17.1 kg/ha in 1971. The faeces of leaf-eating insects except the above three species weighed 5 ~ 10 kg/ha every year. 5) The amount of the faeces of leaf-eating insects in the summer (from June 21 to September 20) reached 50 ~ 90% of the egested for one year, while it was only 1 ~ 5% in winter (from December 21 to March 20). 6) The annual loss of canopies by grazing of leaf-eating insects in Loblolly pine stands was estimated at about 54 ~ 204 kg per hectare in dry weight (Table 7), and it seems that there were no damage in Loblolly pine stands.en
dc.publisher.alternativeTHE KYOTO UNIVERSITY FORESTSen
dc.title.alternativePrimary Consumption by Leaf-eating Insects in Loblolly Pine Canopiesen
dc.typedepartmental bulletin paper-
dc.type.niitypeDepartmental Bulletin Paper-
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
dc.identifier.jtitle-alternativeBULLETIN OF THE KYOTO UNIVERSITY FORESTSen


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