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タイトル: 箕面公園の設立
その他のタイトル: The Establishment of Minō Park.
著者: 丸山, 宏  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Maruyama, Hiroshi
発行日: 13-Dec-1989
出版者: 京都大学農学部附属演習林
誌名: 京都大学農学部演習林報告
巻: 61
開始ページ: 247
終了ページ: 260
抄録: 名勝箕面山は明治6年, 大阪府の稟申により, 一度は公園地に指定されたが6年末には許可が取り消される。同8年, 内務省の意向に従い, 大阪府は「勝区」に指定する。その後, 府会で23, 28年に再び箕面公園地設定の件が建議され, 明治31年1月, 農商務省から許可の指令がある。同年5月に府告示第91号により箕面公園が設置される。その後, 明治43年, 有馬箕面電鉄の開通により本格的な公園整備が大阪府と電鉄会社両者によって行なわれる。また, 明治末から大正にかけて「郊外電車」の発展は, 新たなライフ・スタイルとして「郊外生活」を惹起し, 箕面を含めかつての府下の名勝地を「郊外公園」として一新し, あらたな価値を付与したといえる。
Mt. Minō, a place of scenic beauty since remote ages, was designated to a public park in 1873, when the legislation of public parks started by the notification of the central government, in response to Osaka Prefecture's application. But its designation was recalled in a short time by the Department of Interior, which had jurisdiction over public parks since November in 1873. Then Osaka Pref. redesignated Mt. Minō as a scenic beauty zone, which was controlled by the Department of Interior. Osaka Pref. had not directly the right to use its zone. Since then, Osaka Pref. had been trying to secure its zone in order to use as a public park at the prefectural assembly in 1890 and 1895. After tough efforts Osaka Pref. could get in 1898 the order to permit the use of the national forest as a public park, from the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce which controlled the national forests including Mt. Minō. Based on the Decree no. 91 of Osaka Pref. Minō park was set up in May in 1898. In 1910 Minō-Arima Electric Railway was opened between Osaka and Minō park. The full scale maintenance of Minō park was started from the same year by Osaka Pref. and the railway company. Through 1900s into 1920s the suburban electric trains, including Minō-Arima Electric Railway, had been expanding. By this expansion the suburban life began to gain in popularity as a new way of life. Here, we can find out that the worth of traditional scenic beauties were changing by degrees. We may have to understand some of traditional scenic beauties which had been transfigured into suburban parks as a new worth in suburban life.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/191934


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