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dc.contributor.author沼田, 邦彦ja
dc.contributor.alternativeNumata, Kunihikoen
dc.contributor.transcriptionヌマタ, クニヒコja-Kana
dc.description.abstract若い林業労働者の労働災害と高齢者の労働災害との相違を検討し, また労働者の年齢層を経験年数の層で区分し, 特に災害発生の多い構成要素について検討した。年齢層は29才以下, 30-39才, 40-49才, 50-59才, 60才以上の5段階に分けている。1. 年齢層による労働災害の相違 1) 休業日数 : ほぼすべての年齢層の労働者に対して休業日数"2カ月以内"までの災害割合が高い。40才未満の労働者には休業日数"2週間以内"の比較的短期間の災害割合が高い。2) 発生時刻 : 29才以下の年齢層は午前に災害割合が高く, 40才以上では10, 12時, 15-17時で災害割合が高い。3) 事故の型 : "切れ"は特に29才以下の層で災害割合が高い。年齢が高齢化するに従い, より多くの"事故の型"の災害に被災する傾向がある。4) 傷害部位 : 手・足などの身体の末端部の災害割合は特に40才未満の層で顕著である。40才以上の層では頭・胸などの身体の中心部の災害割合が高い。5) 傷害名 : 40才未満の層では"切創"の災害割合が高く, 40才以上の層では被災する"傷害名"の数は多くなる。6) 加害物 : すべての年齢層で伐採木による災害割合が高い。29才以下の層ではチェーンソー・刈払機による災害割合が高い。7) 起因物 : 加害物と類似の結果が見られる。林地は加害物としてより起因物としてより高い災害割合を示す。8) 経験年数 : 経験年数"4年以下"の場合, 経験年数"5-9年"の場合より災害発生が高く, 特に年齢29才以下で経験年数"4年以下"の層に災害発生が高い。50才以上の層では経験年数"4年以下"の者の災害発生がかなりの数にのぼっている。50才以上で経験年数"10年以上"の者は現在林業労働災害の最も多い層である。ja
dc.description.abstractTo analyze forest work accidents, I inquired the differences between age brackets of forest workers and other several investigation items. Age brackets have five categories : under the age 29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, over 60. Furthermore, to analyze forest accidents adding on the number of year employed in forestry works (employment year), I make three groups that consist of age brackets and employment year brackets. employment year brackets have four categories : under 4 years, 5-9 years, 10-19 years, over 20 years. And three groups are constructed as follows, (A) : age (under the age 29) and employment year (under 4 years), (B) : age (over the age 50) and employment year (over 10 years), (C) : age (over the age 50) and employment year (under 4 years). 1. The differences between age brackets of forest workers and other several investigation items 1) number of days of work suspension : the accident ratio of "shorter than 2 months" suspension is on high level regarding all age brackets. As for "under the age 40" workers, the accident ratio of "shorter than 2 weeks" suspension is particularly on high level. 2) Occurence time of accidents : the accident ratio is high during the morning for "under the age 29" workers, and also high level during 10:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00 for "over the age 40" workers. 3) Type of accident : the accident ratio of "cut" injury as for "under the age 29" workers is particularly on high level. The elder the workers are, they tend to get injury on the more types of accidents. 4) Injured part of body : as for "under the age 40" workers, the accident ratio of the tip part such as hands, legs and the like is very high. As for "over the age 40" workers, the accident ratio of the pivotal part such as heads, chests and the like is high. 5) Appellation of injury : the accident ratio of "a cut" injury is high for "under the age 40" workers and kinds of injury with high accident ratio is increasing for "over the age 40" workers. 6) Assault object : regarding all age brackets, the accident ratio of "felling trees" is high. As for "under the age 29" workers, the accident ratio of "chain-saw" and "brush cutter" is high. 7) Object to be caused by : the result of object to be caused by is similar to assault object. Regarding "the ground of forest site", the effect of object to be caused by occures higher accident ratio than assault object. 8) Employment year : regarding each age bracket, the accident ratio of employ-ment year "under 4 year" is higher than "5-9 year". As for employment year "under 4 year", it is remark-able that the accident ratio of "under the age 29" workers (group A) is very high and that the accident number of "over the age 50" workers (group C) is quite a many. The about 80% accidents of forest workers is occupied by "over the age 50" workers with employment year "over 10 year" (group B). 2. The differences between group (A, B, C) and other several investigation items 1) Forestry operation : the accident ratio is high in weeding for each group, then is high in improvement cutting and loading for group A , in site preparation and felling for group B and in site preparation and disposal lodged trees for group C. 2) Activity organization : the accident ratio for group A is high in logging corporation and that for group C is in forest owner's cooperative. 3) Occurence Month of accidents : the accident ratio is high in June for all groups and is relatively high from June to September. 4) Oc-curence Time of accidents : the accident ratio is high for group A before 10:00 in the morning, for group C during the morning and for group B during 10:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00. 5) Activity site : the accident ratio is high for group A at landing, for group B at felling site and for group C at plantation site. 6) Object to be caused by : the accident ratio of "chain-saw" and "brush cutter" is high for all groups, especially high for group A. The accident ratio is high for group A with piled logs and loaded logs. 7) Type of accidents : the accident ratio is high for all groups in "cut" injury, and then also high for group B and C in other type "over-turn", "fly", "crash", and "fall", but we can not see type "fall" for group A. 8) Injured part of body : the accident ratio of the tip part such as hands, legs and the like is very high for group A and that of the pivotal part such as heads, chests and the like is high for group B and C, and especially the ratio for group B is very high in the lower limbs. 9) Appellation of injury : the accident ratio of "cut" injury is very high for group A. The ratio of "bruise" for group B and C is very high as well as "fracture" It is important to take the plenty of time to be relieved of workers' fatigue, to make relatively younger workers to carry out strictly warming up before forest activities in the morning and, regarding aged workers who are the greater part of forest workers, to bring in forest operation systems to compensate for severe forest work conditions.en
dc.publisher.alternativeTHE KYOTO UNIVERSITY FORESTSen
dc.title京都府における民有林の林業労働災害に関する分析 (II) : 年齢から見た労働災害ja
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of employment injury of private forests in Kyoto Prefecture (II) : regarding age bracket of forest workersen
dc.typedepartmental bulletin paper-
dc.type.niitypeDepartmental Bulletin Paper-
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
dc.identifier.jtitle-alternativeBULLETIN OF THE KYOTO UNIVERSITY FORESTSen


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