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dc.contributor.author松浦, 雄介ja
dc.contributor.alternativeMATSUURA, Yusukeen
dc.contributor.transcriptionマツウラ, ユウスケja-Kana
dc.description.abstractIn this paper I investigate the mode of memory and style of life in early works of Furui Yoshikichi, a contemporary Japanese novelist. Contemporary society could be characterized by its indeterminacy. This indeterminacy appears on the level of everyday life in various ways. Memory is a point of view suitable for observing the indeterminacy of society. As H. Bergson once said, memory enables free action and creates the rhythm of life. But it is common that one's memory is interrupted and fragmented in modern society, which is driven by endless changes. Interruption and fragmentation of memory is a symptom of indeterminacy of a society. We can understand the latter by analyzing the former. The purpose of this paper is to consider the characteristics of indeterminacy in contemporary society through observing how their memories are interrupted and fragmented. This is the reason for why I focus on the mode of memory in Furui's novels. In Furui's works, relationships between contradictory values-such as lifeen
dc.description.abstractdeath, healthen
dc.description.abstractillness, reasonen
dc.description.abstractmadness, autonomyen
dc.description.abstractdependency, etc-are quite ambiguous. They never constitute clear-cut dichotomy. These values interpenetrate and their boundaries are blurred. Values coexist, clashing with and melting in each other. The subject who folds these contradictory values within oneself, gets fragile. But Furui dares to tarry with the fragility, because the attempt to overcome it paradoxically brings more serious crisis. The subject chooses to linger on the fragility. As memory is interrupted by the fragility of life, action loses its smoothness and is obsessionally repeated in two ways-oscillation and habit. The former is a minute vibration in perceiving stimuli from the outside world. The latter is a form which is appeared unconsciously on bodily movement. At first glance, repetition = oscillation = habit seem to be inferior dimension or deviant state of memory = rhythm = style, because in the formers the subject somehow loses control over action. But I counterpose the different view of the relationship between the two. The latters can be gained not by overcoming the formers, rather by carrying them out thoroughly. Furui's novel Yoko is the most salient demonstration of this view. In that sense, repetition is a significant dimension of life. Furui shows that repetition of fragile body is a style of life in contemporary indeterminacy.en
dc.publisher.alternativeDepartment of Sociology, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto Universityen
dc.title<論文>反復する身体 : 古井由吉における記憶と生ja
dc.title.alternative<ARTICLES>Repeating Body : Memory and Life in Furui Yoshikichien
dc.typedepartmental bulletin paper-
dc.type.niitypeDepartmental Bulletin Paper-
dc.identifier.jtitle京都社会学年報 : KJSja
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
dc.identifier.jtitle-alternativeKyoto Journal of Sociologyen


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