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タイトル: A possible rupture process of slow earthquakes on a frictional fault
著者: Mikumo, Takeshi
発行日: Apr-1981
出版者: Oxford University Press
誌名: Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
巻: 65
号: 1
開始ページ: 129
終了ページ: 153
抄録: A possible mechanism for the occurrence of slow earthquakes is investigated by calculating numerical solutions for the dynamical rupture process on a quasi-three-dimensional fault with heterogeneous frictional strengths. Experimental friction laws for the dependence of sliding frictional stress on slip velocity, which are based on the cohesive properties of fault asperities, are taken into considerations. It is found that the applied stress does not drop very rapidly with time and the rupture velocity remarkably decreases as the dependence on slip-velocity becomes smaller. These deceleration effects for the rupture propagation are greatly enhanced with increasing heterogeneities in the distribution of frictional strength and as the initial shear stress has lower levels with respect to the average strength. For these cases, the growth of rupture is extremely slow in a nucleus region with the dimension as large as 10 times the initial rupture length, and gains a terminal velocity dependent on the above factors. The displacement-time function becomes noticeably extended in these cases, and indicates a stick—slip-like phenomena in the extended time interval for a strongly heterogeneous fault. It seems that these results could explain the characteristic features of slow earthquakes.
著作権等: © The Royal Astronomical Society
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/193393
DOI(出版社版): 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1981.tb02704.x
出現コレクション:三雲 健


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