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タイトル: スニチニブ再投与が奏功した転移性腎細胞癌の1例
その他のタイトル: Efficacy of Sunitinib Rechallenge in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma : A Case Report
著者: 吉永, 敦史  KAKEN_name
鎌田, 成芳  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Yoshinaga, Atsushi
Kamata, Shigeyoshi
キーワード: Metastatic renal cell carcinoma
発行日: May-2015
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 61
号: 5
開始ページ: 201
終了ページ: 205
抄録: A 67-year-old woman underwent radical nephrectomy (clear cell carcinoma, G2>3, pT2b) for left renal cancer with pulmonary metastasis. After interferon-α treatment for 7 months, right iliac bone metastasis occurred. Pulmonary and right ileac bone metastases became larger after 4 months of first sunitinib administration. Replacement by everolimus treatment was not effective. After 6 months of sunitinib rechallenge therapy, pulmonary metastasis disappeared and right ileac bone metastasis became smaller. However, 1 month later, right costal and left femoral metastases occurred. She was kept on sunitinib treatment, and there were no changes in these metastases for 1 year. However, it was difficult to continue sunitinibtreatment because of side effects, resulting in growth of metastases. Costal and femoral metastases showed a partial response to axtinibtreatment given thereafter. Tyrosine kinase inhibitor rechallenge therapy had potential benefits and was tolerated in selected metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2016/06/01に公開
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/198516
PubMed ID: 26087822
出現コレクション:Vol. 61 No. 5


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