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タイトル: Automated Violin Fingering Transcription Through Analysis of an Audio Recording
著者: Maezawa, Akira
Itoyama, Katsutoshi
Komatani, Kazunori
Ogata, Tetsuya
Okuno, Hiroshi G.
著者名の別形: 奥乃, 博
発行日: 14-Aug-2012
出版者: MIT Press
誌名: Computer Music Journal
巻: 36
号: 3
開始ページ: 57
終了ページ: 72
抄録: We present a method to recuperate fingerings for a given piece of violin music in order to recreate the timbre of a given audio recording of the piece. This is achieved by first analyzing an audio signal to determine the most likely sequence of two-dimensional fingerboard locations (string number and location along the string), which recovers elements of violin fingering relevant to timbre. This sequence is then used as a constraint for finding an ergonomic sequence of finger placements that satisfies both the sequence of notated pitch and the given fingerboard-location sequence. Fingerboard-location-sequence estimation is based on estimation of a hidden Markov model, each state of which represents a particular fingerboard location and emits a Gaussian mixture model of the relative strengths of harmonics. The relative strengths of harmonics are estimated from a polyphonic mixture using score-informed source segregation, and compensates for discrepancies between observed data and training data through mean normalization. Fingering estimation is based on the modeling of a cost function for a sequence of finger placements. We tailor our model to incorporate the playing practices of the violin. We evaluate the performance of the fingerboard-location estimator with a polyphonic mixture, and with recordings of a violin whose timbral characteristics differ significantly from that of the training data. We subjectively evaluate the fingering estimator and validate the effectiveness of tailoring the fingering model towards the violin.
著作権等: © 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/198554
DOI(出版社版): 10.1162/COMJ_a_00129


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