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タイトル: Effect of interannual variation in winter vertical mixing on CH_4 dynamics in a subtropical reservoir
著者: Itoh, Masayuki  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7070-616X (unconfirmed)
Kobayashi, Yuki
Chen, Tzong-Yueh
Tokida, Takeshi
Fukui, Manabu
Kojima, Hisaya
Miki, Takeshi
Tayasu, Ichiro
Shiah, Fuh-Kwo
Okuda, Noboru  KAKEN_id
著者名の別形: 伊藤, 雅之
小林, 由紀
福井, 学
夏, 復國
奥田, 昇
キーワード: subtropical reservoir
winter mixing
methane production
methane oxidation
carbon isotope ratio
発行日: 22-Jul-2015
出版者: American Geophysical Union
誌名: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
巻: 120
号: 6
抄録: Although freshwaters are considered to be substantial natural sources of atmospheric methane (CH_4), in situ processes of CH_4 production and consumption in freshwater ecosystems are poorly understood, especially in subtropical areas, leading to uncertainties in the estimation of global CH_4 emissions. To improve our understanding of physical and biogeochemical factors affecting CH_4 dynamics in subtropical lakes, we examined vertical and seasonal profiles of dissolved CH4 and its carbon isotope ratio (δ_13C) and conducted incubation experiments to assess CH_4 production and oxidation in the deep subtropical Fei-Tsui Reservoir (FTR; Taiwan). The mixing pattern of the FTR is essentially monomixis, but the intensity of winter vertical mixing changes with climatic conditions. In years with incomplete verticalmixing (does not reach the bottom) and subsequent strong thermal stratification resulting in profundal hypoxia, we observed increases in sedimentary CH_4 production and thus profundal CH_4 storagewith the development of reducing conditions. In contrast, in years with strong winter vertical mixing to the bottom of the reservoir, CH_4 productionwas suppressed under NO_3 ̄-rich conditions, during which denitrifiers have the competitive advantage over methanogens. Diffusive emission from profundal CH_4 storage appeared to be negligible due to the efficiency of CH_4 oxidation during ascent through methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) activity. Most of the profundal CH_4 was rapidly oxidized by MOB in both oxic and anoxic layers, as characterized by its carbon isotope signature. In contrast, aerobic CH_4 production in the subsurface layer, whichmay be enhanced under high temperatures in summer,may account for a large portion of atmospheric CH_4 emissions from this reservoir. Our CH_4 profiling results provide valuable information for future studies predicting CH_4 emissions from subtropical lakes with the progress of global warming.
記述: 暖冬による不完全な冬季の鉛直混合が、夏の湖底のメタン生成の増大要因に -温暖化による亜熱帯湖のメタン動態の変化の理解を増進- . 京都大学プレスリリース. 2015-06-30.
著作権等: ©2015. American Geophysical Union.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/198801
DOI(出版社版): 10.1002/2015JG002972
関連リンク: http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research/research_results/2015/150625_1.html


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