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タイトル: Water Sorption Kinetics of Wheat Noodle with Different Diameters
著者: Roppongi, Takao
Ogawa, Takenobu  kyouindb  KAKEN_id
Adachi, Shuji
著者名の別形: 安達, 修二
キーワード: udon-like wheat noodle
water sorption
loss of mass
発行日: May-2014
出版者: Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
誌名: Food Science and Technology Research
巻: 20
号: 2
開始ページ: 241
終了ページ: 246
抄録: The water sorption properties of udon-like wheat noodle were measured at different temperatures to estimate changes in the moisture content and loss of mass; transient changes in these properties could be expressed by hyperbolic and exponential empirical equations, respectively. The maximum moisture content changed stepwise with temperature near the gelatinization temperature of wheat flour; however, the initial sorption rate with temperature obeyed the Arrhenius equation. These processes were also measured for wheat noodle with different initial diameters at 100°C. Changes in the moisture content could be expressed by a hyperbolic equation as a function of time divided by the square of the initial diameter. The loss of wheat noodle mass was proportional to the specific surface area, and the loss per specific surface area could be expressed solely as a function of time.
著作権等: © 2014 by Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/199590
DOI(出版社版): 10.3136/fstr.20.241


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