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タイトル: A preliminary report on the Eocene mammals of the Pondaung fauna, Myanmar
著者: Tsubamoto, Takehisa
Egi, Naoko  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1277-0219 (unconfirmed)
Takai, Masanaru
Shigehara, Nobuo
Ko Aung, Aye
Thein, Tin
Naing Soe, Aung
Thura Tun, Soe
発行日: 2000
出版者: Kyoto University Primate Research Institute
誌名: Asian paleoprimatology
巻: 1
開始ページ: 29
終了ページ: 101
抄録: A diverse array of mammalian species is now known from the Pondaung Formation, located in central Myanmar. The new mammals for the Pondaung fauna are: Anthropoidea gen. et sp. nov. (Primates); Hyaenodontidae indet. A, and indet. B (Creodonta); ?Phiomyidae indet. C (Rodentia); Ungulata indet. D; ?Agriochoeridae indet. E (Artiodactyla); cf. Ilianodon (Rhinocerotoidea; Perissodactyla); Amynodontidae indet. F (Perissodactyla). The stratigraphical and microfossil evidences suggest that the Pondaung Formation is referable to the period from the middle to late Eocene. Concerning the dating of the Pondaung mammal fauna, middle middle to late Eocene (most probably late middle Eocene) is suggested based on comparisons of it with other Eocene mammal fauna; however, further information is necessary to identify the date more precisely.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/199739
出現コレクション:Vol. 1


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