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タイトル: Riverbed Management by Changing Reach Scale Channel Configuration
著者: CHOI, Mikyoung
TAKEMON, Yasuhiro  KAKEN_id
SUMI, Tetsuya
キーワード: RSCC
channel widening
width/depth ratio
bifurcated wandering channel
発行日: Jun-2015
出版者: 京都大学防災研究所
誌名: 京都大学防災研究所年報. B
巻: 58
号: B
開始ページ: 497
終了ページ: 503
抄録: Many rivers experienced channel alternation, riverbed degradation and vegetation expansion result from artificial disturbance. Thus, works of channel reconstruction carried out as a river restoration such as channel widening, excavation or making meandering. This study presents possibility of channel widening by changing reach scale channel configuration (RSCC). RSCC and their historical changes in the Kizu River during 1961 and 2010 were plotted in biplot dimension of width/depth ratio and specific stream power. And based on their historical changes, we predict resultant RSCC after manipulation of channel width. According to results, most of recent channel types were distributed in the range of low width/depth ratio. However, channel widening about 1.8-2.0 times in upper and lower site could be changed to the range of high width/depth ratio having high potentials of biodiversity in the Kizu River.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/210043
関連リンク: http://www.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/nenpo/nenpo.html
出現コレクション:Vol.58 B


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