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タイトル: 4. Material Science and Radiation Effects
発行日: Jul-2015
出版者: The Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
誌名: KURRI Progress Report
巻: 2014
号: APRIL 2014 – MARCH 2015
開始ページ: 110
終了ページ: 115
目次: CO4-1 Development of Radiation Tolerant Image Sensor with Field Emitter Array
CO4-2 Sub-terahertz Absorption of Ionic Liquid
CO4-3 Generation of Circular Polarization using Linearly Polarized Coherent Transition Radiation
CO4-4 Basic Study on Radiation-induced Luminescence from Natural Mineral
CO4-5 Complex Structure of Ions Coordinated with Hydrophilic Polymer. 15. Applied Discussion with Ionic Behavior in Hydrophobic Matrixes
CO4-6 Elucidation of Tritium Dynamics in Neutron Irradiated Tungsten
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/210437
関連リンク: http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2014/ProgRep2014.html


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