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2014   23

List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 21 to 23 of 23
40 years of Kinosaki symposia
  Oda, Tadao (2014)
  代数幾何学シンポジウム記録, 2014: 127-134
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The 40th Anniversary of Kinosaki Symposium
  Miyanishi, M. (2014)
  代数幾何学シンポジウム記録, 2014: 135-139
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On Kinosaki Algebraic Geometryu Symposium 1974-2014
  Shioda, T. (2014)
  代数幾何学シンポジウム記録, 2014: 140-147
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List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 21 to 23 of 23