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タイトル: Temperature dependence of terahertz emission by an asymmetric intrinsic Josephson junction device
著者: Kakeya, Itsuhiro  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4999-2111 (unconfirmed)
Hirayama, Nobuo
Omukai, Yuta
Suzuki, Minoru
著者名の別形: 掛谷, 一弘
発行日: 30-Jan-2015
出版者: AIP Publishing
誌名: Journal of Applied Physics
巻: 117
号: 4
論文番号: 043914
抄録: This study investigates the effect of temperature on the emission frequency of an intrinsic Josephson junction terahertz (THz) electromagnetic wave source, which can be used for high-speed communications by THz carrier wave. The characteristic emission features of two device types (asymmetric and symmetric) and two bias regimes (low and high) were determined. The bias-dependent emission frequency was temperature dependent in the asymmetric device, most likely reflecting the temperature-dependent London penetration depth. The bias tunability of the emission frequency can be explained by device self-heating, which significantly and inhomogeneously raises the temperatures of the device from its bath temperature. These findings are consistent with previous studies of temperature distribution in these devices.
著作権等: © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. The following article may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/117/4/10.1063/1.4906849
The full-text file will be made open to the public on 30 January 2016 in accordance with publisher's 'Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving'.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/216403
DOI(出版社版): 10.1063/1.4906849


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