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タイトル: <特集研究ノート>バングラデシュにおけるデモクラシー実現と教育の関係性 : 拡充された教育制度と職業の接続に焦点を当てて
その他のタイトル: The Relationship between Realizing Democracy and Education in Bangladesh: Focused on the Connection between the Education System and Employment
著者: 日下部, 達哉  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KUSAKABE, Tatsuya
発行日: 27-Feb-2015
出版者: 人間文化研究機構地域研究推進事業「現代インド地域研究」
誌名: 現代インド研究
巻: 5
開始ページ: 109
終了ページ: 126
抄録: The institutionalization of school education, according to Education for All principles has become standardized in the modern-day Bangladesh. This paper discusses the contributions and functions of the developed school education system in the employment or job opportunities of young people. Moreover, I would like to attempt a discussion of how the education-employment connections contribute to the attainment of increasing democracy in Bangladesh. The detailed discussion of the contribution of the expansion of school education to employment has been divided into two sections as follows. First, it provides an overview of the developmental process of democracy in Bangladesh since independence, then it points out the existence of grudges in the ruling and opposition parties in Bangladesh, and also points out the existence of problems concerning bribery and corruption when young people get employment via such means. Second, it discusses whether the expanded education system has successfully guaranteed the right to education for all. Furthermore, utilizing case studies, this paper considers whether the expanded education system has resulted in the realization of the ideal connection between people's education and employment, and whether it has given a specific direction to the movement towards a socially mobile society which opposes bribery and corruption. Those case studies found that the realization of education for all, even for poor households, tends to perform better than the realization of a meritocratic society for young people. However it was shown that there are signs of a meritocracy in employment, primarily in male employment.
本稿は, 1990 年以降のバングラデシュで, 拡大してきた教育制度が, その出口にあたる就職・就業で有効に機能しているのか, またその現状が, 将来のデモクラシー実現を見据えたとき, どう貢献しうるのか検討する。まず, 独立以降のバングラデシュにおけるデモクラシー進展のあり方を俯瞰し, 遺恨政治とそれに端を発する, 就職・就業に際しての汚職・腐敗があることを指摘する。次に, 教育制度拡充によって, 国民には教育を受ける権利が保障されたのか, さらに, 人々が能力に応じた職業・雇用に接続し, 政治家の口利きによる就職といった, 汚職・腐敗とせめぎ合っていけるような社会づくりへの方向がとられているのかを, 事例研究から考察した。結果, 教育を受ける権利は, 貧困層においても保障されるようになっているが, 能力に応じた就職・雇用の実現にはまだほど遠かった。しかし, 男性の就職からその兆しは現れている。
DOI: 10.14989/216640
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/216640


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