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タイトル: A New Species of Leptobrachium from the Kelabit Highland, Northwestern Borneo (Anura, Megophryidae)
著者: Hamidy, Amir
Matsui, Masafumi
著者名の別形: 松井, 正文
キーワード: Leptobrachium abbotti
Leptobrachium montanum
cryptic species
発行日: Feb-2014
出版者: Herpetological Society of Japan
誌名: Current Herpetology
巻: 33
号: 1
開始ページ: 57
終了ページ: 67
抄録: Four species of endemic Leptobrachium are known from Borneo, two lowland species L. kanowitense and L. abbotti, a montane species L. montanum, and a highland species L. gunungense. Of these, both L. montanum and L. abotti were found to contain several cryptic species by recent molecular studies. The population from Bario, Kelabit Highland of Sarawak, is one such cryptic species and was once called Lineage 2 of L. abbotti. Our morphological survey on this population proved that it has characteristics distinct from all other congeners, and therefore, we describe the Bario population as a new species, Leptobrachium kantonishikawai sp. nov. The new species is distinguished from putative topotypes of L. montanum and L. abbotti, as well as from L. gunungense by having a grayish brown abdomen, usually vermiculated, although sometimes spotted or blotched with white, and some unique morphometric characteristics.
著作権等: © 2014 by The Herpetological Society of Japan
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/216853
DOI(出版社版): 10.5358/hsj.33.57
出現コレクション:松井 正文


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