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タイトル: 気候変動を考慮した日本の水力発電ポテンシャル評価
その他のタイトル: Evaluation of Hydropower Potential in Japan in Consideration of Climate Change
著者: 角, 哲也  KAKEN_name
桑田, 光明  KAKEN_name
石田, 裕哉  KAKEN_name
丹羽, 尚人  KAKEN_name
小島, 裕之  KAKEN_name
井上, 素行  KAKEN_name
佐藤, 嘉展  KAKEN_name
竹門, 康弘  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: SUMI, Tetsuya
KUWATA, Mitsuaki
ISHIDA, Hiroya
NIWA, Naoto
KOJIMA, Hiroyuki
INOUE, Motoyuki
SATO, Yoshinobu
TAKEMON, Yasuhiro
キーワード: 水力発電
Hydropower generation
Maximum discharge for hydropower
Climate change
発行日: Jun-2016
出版者: 京都大学防災研究所
誌名: 京都大学防災研究所年報. B
巻: 59
号: B
開始ページ: 475
終了ページ: 483
抄録: In the big trend of shifting energy sources from nuclear and thermal power to renewable energy, hydropower generation has collected significant attention in Japan. In this research, focusing on 91 dams all over the Japan, it is shown how much potential it additionally generates only by changing maximum discharge Qmax, which is the setting of water volume used for power generation, of existing powered dams in Japan and how it changes by the effect of climate change. This study showed all the dams have potential to develop, and about 7% of increase is expected in total only by the simple operation change. It is, however, estimated that the generation will decrease by 11% in total in future by the effect of climate change. This situation can be improved by utilizing future potential of hydropower, and the results shows that the decrease ratio goes up till -6% in total, though it still remains negative. Whereas the generation of Hokkaido drastically increase about 20% in the future.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/217278
関連リンク: http://www.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/nenpo/nenpo.html
出現コレクション:Vol.59 B


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