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タイトル: wvtool: Image Tools for Automated Wood Identification
著者: Sugiyama, Junji
Kobayashi, Kayoko
著者名の別形: 杉山, 淳司
小林, 加代子
発行日: 7-Nov-2016
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 22
抄録: This tool, wood vision tool, is intended to facilitate preprocessing and analyzing 2-dimensional wood images toward automated recognition. The former includes some basics such as functions to RGB to grayscale, gray to binary, cropping, rotation(bilinear), median/mean/Gaussian filter, and Canny/Sobel edge detection. The latter includes gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), Haralick parameters, local binary pattern (LBP), higher order local autocorrelation (HLAC), Fourier transform (radial and azimuthal integration), and Gabor filtering. The functions are intended to read data using 'readTIFF(x, info=T)' from 'tiff' package. The functions in this packages basically assumes the grayscale images as input data, thus the color images should be subjected to the function rgb2gray() before used for some other functions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/217709
関連リンク: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/wvtool/index.html


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