


検索結果表示: 331-340 / 392.
The Gene-Lifestyle Interaction on Leptin Sensitivity and Lipid Metabolism in Adults: A Population Based Study
  Harry Freitag Luglio; Dian Caturini Sulistyoningrum; Huriyati, Emy; Wan Abdul Manan Wan Muda (2017-07-07)
  Nutrients, 9(7)
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Cultural innovation in the face of modernization: a study of emerging community-based care in rural Cambodia
  Kobayashi, Satoru (2020)
  South East Asia Research, 28(3): 231-247
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On the introduction of paddy rice cultivation by swiddeners in Arunachal Pradesh, India
  Kosaka, Yasuyuki; Saikia, Bhaskar; Rai, C. K.; Hage, Komo; Asada, Haruhisa; Hui, Tag; Riba, Tomo; Ando, Kazuo (2015-09-01)
  Tropics, 24(2): 75-90
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Social Flux and Disaster Management: An Essay on the Construction of an Indonesian Model for Disaster Management and Reconstruction
  Nishi, Yoshimi; Yamamoto, Hiroyuki (2012)
  Journal of Disaster Research, 7(1): 65-74
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Enhancing Prediction Performance of Landslide Susceptibility Model Using Hybrid Machine Learning Approach of Bagging Ensemble and Logistic Model Tree
  Truong, Xuan; Mitamura, Muneki; Kono, Yasuyuki; Raghavan, Venkatesh; Yonezawa, Go; Truong, Xuan; Do, Thi; Tien Bui, Dieu; Lee, Saro (2018-07)
  Applied Sciences, 8(7)
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  中山, 大将 (2018-01)
  立命館言語文化研究, 29(3): 25-32
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Simple Incentives and Group Dependence for Successful Payments for Ecosystem Services Programs: Evidence from an Experimental Game in Rural Lao PDR
  Salk, Carl; Lopez, Maria-Claudia; Wong, Grace (2017-07)
  Conservation Letters, 10(4): 414-421
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Coping strategies adopted by the rice farmers in the coastal area of Bangladesh
  Rahman, M R; Ando, K; Takeda, S; Kobayashi, S; Mahzabin, I A (2016)
  Fundamental and Applied Agriculture, 1(3): 161-166
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  山本, 博之 (2012-03)
  雑誌に見る東日本大震災(2011年) : 震災はいかにして国民的災害になったか: 3-5
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[序論] 民族・宗教・言語混成社会マレーシアのゆくえ : 2013年総選挙結果から展望する
  山本, 博之 (2013)
  JAMS Discussion Paper, 3: 3-9
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