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Title: <論文>京大と満洲国--満蒙研究会・満蒙調査会の活動を中心に--
Other Titles: <ARTICLE>Kyoto Imperial University and Manchukuo; Focusing on the Activities of the Society for the Study of Manchuria and Mongolia, the Commission of the Research of Manchuria and Mongolia
Authors: 冨永, 望  KAKEN_id
Author's alias: TOMINAGA, Nozomu
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2017
Publisher: 京都大学大学文書館
Journal title: 京都大学大学文書館研究紀要
Volume: 15
Start page: 33
End page: 52
DOI: 10.14989/219448
Appears in Collections:第15号

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