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タイトル: <論文>男性の配偶者選択の基準に関する分析 --社会経済的地位に注目して--
その他のタイトル: <ARTICLES>Analysis of Criteria for Men's Spouse Selection: Focusing on Socioeconomic Status
著者: 永瀬, 圭  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: NAGASE, Kei
発行日: 25-Dec-2016
出版者: 京都大学大学院文学研究科社会学研究室
誌名: 京都社会学年報 : KJS
巻: 24
開始ページ: 95
終了ページ: 108
抄録: In Japan, although the relationships between a married couple's socioeconomic status (for example, education, occupation, income) have been extensively studied, few analyses have been done on spouse selection criteria, especially those of men. In order to elucidate the factors of spouse selection, analysis of unmarried people is necessary. Furthermore, unlike the era when sexual division of labor was common, in recent years the number of dual income families has considerably increased and women's income contributes greatly to family budget, so this could possibly change men's preferences in their marriage partner's socioeconomic status. Therefore, using the data from 8th Survey on Marriage and Childbirth (2014) conducted by Meiji Yasuda Institute of Life and Wellness Inc., I try to clarify the criteria for men's spouse selection, focusing on socioeconomic status. Through statistical analysis, I examine how men's socioeconomic status (education, employment status and income) is connected with their preference in spouse's socioeconomic status. Analyzing the data, I use a multiple regression model and ordered logistic regression model. The results are summarized as follows. While a man's employment status has no effect on their preference for the spouse's occupation (job description, company), there is a positive relationship between a man's educational background and the degree of respect for the woman's educational background: higher educated men pay more attention to the woman's educational background. In addition, there is also a positive relationship between the income of men and the amount of income asked for marriage partner: men with higher incomes require that their potential spouses have higher incomes as well.
著作権等: 本誌に掲載された原稿の著作権は、社会学研究室に帰属するものとする。
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/219498


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