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タイトル: <Articles>Volunteers from the Periphery (Case Studies of Survivors of the Lapindo Mudflow and Stren Kali, Surabaya, Forced Eviction)
著者: Cornelis, Lay
キーワード: volunteers
volunteerism in the 2014 Indonesian election
Korban Lapindo Menggugat
Paguyuban Warga Stren Kali Surabaya
Coins for Change
political contracts
発行日: Apr-2017
出版者: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
誌名: Southeast Asian Studies
巻: 6
号: 1
開始ページ: 31
終了ページ: 61
抄録: This article discusses volunteer movements active during the Indonesian presidential election of 2014, with a focus on volunteers in two troubled regions. The first group of volunteers consists of survivors of the Lapindo mudflow disaster in Sidoarjo, East Java, who are united in Korban Lapindo Menggugat (KLM, Victims of Lapindo Accuse); while the second consists of residents of Stren Kali, Surabaya, who were forcibly evicted and later united through Paguyuban Warga Stren Kali Surabaya (PWSS, Association of Residents of Stren Kali Surabaya). This article attempts to answer two questions: first, how did KLM and PWSS transform themselves into volunteer movements in support of Jokowi? And, second, what actions were taken by KLM and PWSS in support of Jokowi? The transformation of KLM and PWSS into volunteer movements was intended to resolve issues that the groups had already faced for several years. Their acts were self-serving ones, albeit not based in individual economic interests but rather collective political ones. They were instrumentalist, negotiating an exchange of their support for Jokowi’s assistance in resolving their groups’ issues. Jokowi was supported because he offered a victory through which the groups’ issues could be resolved. Furthermore, these groups’ actions were to meet concrete short-term goals.
著作権等: ©Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/224978
DOI(出版社版): 10.20495/seas.6.1_31
出現コレクション:Vol.6 No.1


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