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Title: <Varia>Local Governance in Kyoto : from the Edo Period to the Present
Authors: Kobayashi, Takehiro
Author's alias: 小林, 丈広
Keywords: neighbourhoods association
document preservation
Meiji Restoration
neighbourhood regulations
Issue Date: Mar-2017
Publisher: Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University
Journal title: ZINBUN
Volume: 47
Start page: 129
End page: 145
Abstract: This essay is on the neighbourhoods association's history in Kyoto. The neighbourhoods association(chō 町)is formed for the Sengoku period (the 16th century) and follows to date. Each neighbourhoods association owned each documents (for example Ancient writings, association archives, headman's personal papers, dispute records and the like). This essay take note of the chō shikimoku (old neighbourhood regulations) for research those documents's positions and geographical distribution. Each neighbourhoods association had preserved for a long time. But in late years these can't continue preservation. These are very likely to be scattered and lost. Therefore this essay gives a brief description of seven neighbourhoods association's cases. I want to offer it for the future of the history and reference of the document preservation. Additionally I consider it how neighbourhoods association changed after Meiji Restoration.
Rights: © Copyright March 2017, Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University.
DOI: 10.14989/225132
Appears in Collections:No.47

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